Puzzleheads Educational Products


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Custom Design

What does it mean to custom design with Puzzle Heads Educational Products? Did you know – in addition to our line of unique Montessori inspired wooden puzzles and educational materials, we work with you to develop the materials you dream up. Seriously? You bet! We strive to design and produce materials that are not available elsewhere.

But this is not a traditional custom design service. This is a co-development and partnership relationship. Like our unique Montessori materials, this is a unique design service. The catch? No catch. Read on!

Do you sometimes find yourself wishing you had that one additional component to add to your existing materials? Or maybe you’d like something very specific and regional that would have great significance to your learners? Have you searched the internet repeatedly and gone down numerous rabbit holes and still came up with nothing? We’ve all been there! This is a sign that you should reach out and ask us about your idea.

An example of this type of custom design was our collaboration with the Nisga’a First Nation in northern British Columbia. They were looking for puzzles of their family clans for use in their language learning program. These became the Eagle Clan puzzle, the Wolf Clan puzzle, the Killer Whale Clan puzzle and the Frog Clan puzzle.

Nisgaa Clan puzzles

We also worked with a school district in Alaska looking for a series of custom design puzzles about specific plants and animals significant in their region. This is how the Bear puzzle and Salmon Lifecycle puzzle came to be. There are more puzzles that we are working on together so stay tuned!

Wooden bear puzzle parts.


Wooden salmon lifecycle nomenclature puzzle.


And some products came about through a contest asking you to vote on what the next puzzle should be. This is how the Pumpkin puzzle custom design was added to the listings.

Montessori pumpkin nomenclature puzzle.

How does custom design work?

This unique custom design service is handled as a partnership. No additional custom design fees are charged.  You approach Puzzle Heads with your suggestion or your wish list and together we evaluate the opportunity. Sometimes we require more information about how your product idea is used and who else you think might be interested in it. This is not a one-of custom design service. The products we make must have a larger potential market to sell to, aside from just your school. If your idea is not determined to have a wide enough appeal, we will let you know.

Ultimately the item will be added to the Puzzle Heads Educational product line up and made available for anyone to buy through our website. All rights to the artwork, design, final product and proceeds from future sales remain with Puzzle Heads Educational Products.

However, you have the wonderful satisfaction of seeing your idea come to life! Your insight and creativity in recognizing a niche can now benefit many other educational professionals and students around the world!

Why are we offering this custom design service?

You know as well as we do that there is no shortage of educational materials and toy suppliers available today. In addition, so much of the competition online is based on price. It makes no sense for any business, let alone a small business, to compete in a world that essentially is a race to the bottom based on price. This environment doesn’t support innovation, uniqueness or quality.

As a partnership, our custom design service ensures that a small business such as Puzzle Heads is producing products that have a promising potential market. You are rewarded with a beautiful product, that you had a hand in creating, which brings a smile to your face. Why settle for something that is not the perfect fit, is poorly made and of questionable materials?

Partnering with us puts a smile on our face that you are supporting small business, handmade craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and shopping local! Thank you!

Ready to share your idea? Send it to us here.


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