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Welcome to my workshopbrand new website and my brand new blog! I ‘m very pleased with how my website has turned out and hope you will find useful and interesting information to come back to time and again.

As the first entry for my blog I thought introductions might be in order. I am a Montessori Mom by trade. My kids went through a traditional AMI Montessori school casa program at an exceptional school in Burlington, Ontario Canada called Absorbent Minds Montessori. Through my six year involvement with the teachers, parents and children I learned a lot about parenting, children and the Montessori philosophy. I credit the Directress Elizabeth for igniting a passion in me to learn more about the Montessori Method.

With two young children at the time, and my husband and I trying to juggle two corporate careers, parenting, daycare and day to day life was not always fun and games.  My mind was constantly wandering trying to think of what else I could do to. I have always been the creative type and enjoy all forms of art and grew up tinkering with my dad in his workshop. I loved the Montessori puzzles in the classroom and saw in them an opportunity,  and so my Ladybug and Monarch puzzles were born! You can read more about them here.

Making Montessori materials keeps me connected to the Montessori community and to the education field at large. Drop me a line anytime!



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