Puzzleheads Educational Products



The Fascination of Hibernation

What do animal tracks in the snow tell us about animal activity during the winter? Some animals hibernate, and some don’t. Depending on the animal, hibernation can last a few days or a few months. Read on to learn many more unusual facts about the fascination of hibernation. Make sure...

Birding Revisited – It Worked!

Recently my husband watched as a cocky Steller’s Jay perched on the roof of a small birdhouse we have on a tall pole in the backyard that sparrows nest in every year. The raucous troublemaker kept reaching down and poking its long beak into the hole in the front trying to...


Spring is in the air here on the coast in British Columbia, well in truth it has been for several weeks, but I didn’t want to rub it in if you are still snowbound somewhere or experiencing frigid temperatures. The good news is that if your spring flowers are...